2020…Thoughts and Thankfulness

Andrew Suttar
2 min readJan 1, 2021

2020 was the year the world stopped not because it wanted to but because it had to.

Weeks before the shutdown I was adamant that Covid was not a big deal that it was contained and under control. I am ashamed at my foolishness in the conversations that I had at the time. There was no shutdown about to happen. No way that things would be put on pause. Then the first 14 days happened.
I was home and had to stay home. Then another 14 days…ugh.

I was one of the lucky ones as my production company paid me while I was at home for not just 2 weeks but 7 altogether. For this I was thankful. I was off from the middle of March until the end of July. The better part of 5 months and feels like a lifetime ago. This is because our world has changed this year in ways that I think will change the way we look at each other and life.

We watched as we sidestepped a New World War (January); Australia and California had fires that were out of control; George Floyd / Black Lives Matter / Riots and Violence; Trump Madness (past/present/future); Defund the Police; Reevaluating the Current State of Racism; The Election and its Fallout. In Canada we are not immune to the above…We also have our issues Racism; Mistrust of Government; Pipeline; We Charity Scandal; the list goes on and on. The fallout and recovery will be the story of 2021. The question is what will that look like? What part do I/we have to play in it.

On a personal note, my mandatory time off gave me time with my wife & son that I cannot begin to fathom the true impact of. I am so thankful for this time seeing my son take his first steps in person. Seeing him discover the world has been a joy. He has no idea what Covid is or a vaccine. It has no real bearing in his small world. Lockdown has made us stronger and I am happy.

Michele has been asking me if I have any resolutions going into 2021…
I guess I have 3…

…Rediscover my Faith…
…Write More…(this is a start)
…Love More and Be Kinder…

I guess it’s time to discover what those mean.

